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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some people get confused by politics and talk about federal spending and budget cuts so they turn a blind eye.

Some people get confused by politics and talk about federal spending and budget cuts so they turn a blind eye.
Let's play a game and make it easy for everyone to understand.
First remove 8 zero's.
Now let's take a look at what we have in layman's terms...
Tax Revenue=Family income............................=21,700
Fed Budget=money family spent......................,=38,200
New debt=new credit card debt........................=16,500
National debt=outstanding balance on card..... =142,710
Now here it comes the RECENT BUDGET CUT. .......=385
Balance due WITHOUT interest...................... =142,325
Now don't forget to add back all those zero's!
National debt =14,232,500,000,000
Sound like a realistic plan to you?

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