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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Whine

Rather than whining because we don’t have certain things in our lives or
because we think something is wrong, we should take positive action. Here
are four steps for turning whining into thanksgiving.

1. Give something away. When you give, you create both a physical and a
mental space for something new and better to come into your life.

2. Narrow your goals. Don’t expect everything good to come into your life
all at once.When you focus your expectations toward specific,
attainable goals, you are more apt to direct your time and energy
toward reaching them.

3. Change your vocabulary from “I need” to “I want”. Most of the things
we think we need are actually things we want. When you receive them,
you will be thankful for even small luxuries, rather than seeing them as
necessities you can’t live without.

4. Choose to be thoughtful for what you already haveThanksgiving is a
choice. Every one of us has more things to be thankful for than we
could even begin to recount in a single day.

Each time you catch yourself whining, apply one or more of these steps to the
situation. As you put them into practice, you will find yourself whining less and
thanking God more. Living a life of gratitude and thanksgiving to God is the
best antidote for stress.

Jesus can turn water into wine, but He can’t turn your whining into anything.
Taken from God’s Little Devotional Journal for Women
Thou Shalt Not Whine

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