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Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Law of the Seed

The Law of the Seed

Take a look at an apple tree. There might be five hundred apples on the tree, but each apple has just ten seeds. That's a lot of seeds!
We might ask, "Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more apple trees?"

Nature has something to teach us here. It's telling us: "Not all seeds grow. In life, most seeds never grow. So if you really want to make something happen, you had better try more than once."

This might mean: You’ll attend twenty interviews to get one job. You'll interview forty people to find one good employee. You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a business idea. And you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend.

When we understand the "Law of the Seed", we don't get so disappointed. We stop feeling like victims. We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.
Successful people fail more often. But they plant more seeds.

Man & Woman

Man & Woman


The Man is Like The Train

At 20 years he is like the local train   it stops at every station

At 30 years he is like the special it stops only at the large towns

At 40 years he is like the express it stops at the big cities only

At 50 years he is like the old locomotive it stops often to water

At 60 years he doesn't leave any more it remains . . . in the yard

The Woman is Like The World

At 20 years she is like
Africa semi-explored

At 30 years she is like
India warm, mature and mysterious

At 40 years she is like
America technically perfect

At 50 years she is like
Europe all in ruin

At 60 years she is like
Siberia everyone knows where it is
But... no one wants to go

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Water & Wine Education

Water & Wine Education

It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we
would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria found in feces. In other
words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop!
However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, vodka, beer or other liquors)
because alcohol has to go through a distillation process of boiling, filtering, and fermenting.
It is better to drink wine and talk shit .. than to drink water and be full of shit.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a public service.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.  
No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK. 
And no one falls out of love by chance,  it is by CHOICE  

When you've gone a little ways, keep going a little ways more. When you've made some progress, use that progress to make some more.
Multiply the power of your actions with momentum. Once you get yourself going, follow through on the commitment and keep yourself going.
Often, the most difficult part of a task is the act of getting started. The fewer times you have to go through that process of starting yourself back up, the more you can get accomplished.
When you've enjoyed one success, that's the best time to start working on another success. Once you have momentum on your side, take full advantage of it.
One of the biggest benefits of achievement is that it opens up the door for greater achievement. Even a small success is a big deal, because of where it can lead.
Get yourself going and then keep yourself going. And from there, you can go anywhere.

Align your habits
You are making decisions all the time and those decisions directly affect the way your life unfolds. Your level of success and fulfillment depends on how often and how well those decisions line up with your dreams.
Certainly when you're contemplating the big, noticeable decisions, you make sure they align with your values and purposes. But what about all the little momentary decisions you're constantly making?
Those seemingly small decisions have great power because there are so many more of them. And they're decisions you can often make without even thinking about them.
Those unthinking decisions are known as habits. A habit is a decision you make once that is carried out again and again.
Though each action done by habit may be small, the cumulative effect on your life can be enormous. The way to move your life in the direction you choose, is to make sure that all your many habits are working with you rather than against you.
Take the time and make the effort to align your habits with your goals and dreams. Improving those little habits can truly be the biggest decision you make.

Actually do
The results you achieve are not based on what you plan to do or what you say you'll do. Your results come from what you actually do.
The rationalizations and excuses you make will not add any value or quality to your life. Your actions are what truly make a difference.
To get where you wish to go requires more than just talking about it. To get where you wish to go requires focused, sustained effort.
And the great thing is, you're perfectly capable of making whatever effort is necessary. You must simply choose to actually do it.
No one can reach real fulfillment on your behalf. The life you experience is the life you create for yourself.
There are so many possibilities to choose from, and so many opportunities to make life great through the actions you take. Now is the moment to actually do it.

A different angle
You can learn many things from those who agree with you. You can often learn even more from those with whom you disagree.
Your own perspective is important, for it enables you to make sense of the world. Always keep in mind, though, that yours is not the only perspective.
You can listen to others, learn from them, and successfully work with them even though you may not agree with them on all issues. If everyone held the exact same opinion on every subject, then knowledge and wisdom would become stagnant and outdated.
Your own perspective will grow stronger and more useful when you regularly allow it to be challenged. When people respectfully agree to disagree, everyone benefits from the diversity of opinion.
 Living a life of success and fulfillment does not depend on always proving that you're right and that others are wrong.
To make real progress you must let go of the assumption that you already have all the answers.
 Stay true to the values you treasure, while thoughtfully considering the different perspectives of others. Look at life from a different angle, and you'll always find new richness.

A higher perspective+++++++++++++++++++

What troubles you is mostly trivial when viewed from the 
great perspective of all that is. Yet those troubles can 
feel much bigger when you look at them from the viewpoint of 
your self-imposed limitations.

Your ego will seek to convince you that nothing beyond you 
matters. Such thinking will keep you trapped in a prison of 
your own making.

Let go of the need to prove what you're worth. And you'll 
realize how uniquely valuable you already and always are.

As long as you remain on the same level as the obstacles in 
your life, those obstacles will prevent you from making 
progress. Yet from a higher perspective you'll discover many 
ways to get beyond them.

If you're confounded by some particular situation, step back 
and remind yourself, in your own way, of how truly beautiful 
and magnificent life can be. Feel yourself rising above the 
limitations that your ego has constructed.

Instead of being troubled by your troubles, let them be a 
catalyst for your own growth and for truly meaningful 
inspiration. Climb up to a higher perspective and find a 

path to the greatness that is within you.

A little bit
Making a little bit of progress is much better than making no progress at all. Even though the going may be slow, keep going.
Moving slowly toward your goal is much better than not moving at all. Do what you can, when you can, with what you have.
Time will work in your favor when you use that time for positive purpose. Over time, even the small efforts bring big results.
If you waste your time wishing you could do more, you end up doing less. Cheerfully use your time as it comes to do the best you can.
Even when you're not able to take a major step forward, you can always take a small step forward. Keep taking those small steps, and the opportunity to take that big step will surely come.
A little bit here and a little bit there will soon add up to a lot of progress. Even when you can't do much, you can always keep yourself actively headed in a positive direction.

A little success+++++++++++++++++++

If you can't bring yourself to be positive about the big 
things, then be positive about the little things. That's 
easy enough to do, and it can make a surprisingly 
significant difference.

You're not going to solve the world's major problems before 
bedtime. And yet, you can surely make a little positive 
progress in your own way, and that can be a big help.

The little annoyances, distractions, challenges and 
difficulties in your world may seem minor when viewed 
separately. However, they can all add up to create a major 
negative drag on your life.

You can easily choose to rid yourself of those little 
negative influences, one by one. Before long, the positive 
effect will be dramatic.

If you spend the next few minutes doing nothing except 
worrying about your problems, you'll just end up even more 
anxious and worried. If, instead, you spend that same five 
minutes to overcome a relatively minor problem, you'll end 
up feeling a little more empowered and in control of your 
own destiny.

A little bit of success will motivate and inspire you, like 
nothing else can, to create a little more success, again and 
again. Soon, you'll discover that those little successes are 
adding up to a life of big and meaningful achievement.

Act your way there+++++++++++++++++++

How do you want to feel today? You can create whatever 
feeling you choose, with your actions.

Your feelings are not imposed on you from the outside. They 
occur because you exercise strategies to make them occur.

Yes, some of those strategies may include the way you choose 
to respond to events beyond your control. Yet it is the 
response, the chosen response within you, that creates the 
feeling, not the outside situation.

So how exactly do you wish to feel today? Then act like it.

The actions you take will create the feelings you seek. If 
you want to feel happy, and empowered, and fulfilled, then 
go through the physical motions of being happy, empowered 
and fulfilled.

It really is as simple as that. When you act like it, you 

Align your habits
You are making decisions all the time and those decisions directly affect the way your life unfolds. Your level of success and fulfillment depends on how often and how well those decisions line up with your dreams.
Certainly when you're contemplating the big, noticeable decisions, you make sure they align with your values and purposes. But what about all the little momentary decisions you're constantly making?
Those seemingly small decisions have great power because there are so many more of them. And they're decisions you can often make without even thinking about them.
Those unthinking decisions are known as habits. A habit is a decision you make once that is carried out again and again.
Though each action done by habit may be small, the cumulative effect on your life can be enormous. The way to move your life in the direction you choose, is to make sure that all your many habits are working with you rather than against you.
Take the time and make the effort to align your habits with your goals and dreams. Improving those little habits can truly be the biggest decision you make.

All the way in+++++++++++++++++++

When you must, you will. When there is nothing to fall back 
on, you can only move forward.

It's frightening when everything is on the line. It's also 
exhilarating and motivating and compelling and empowering.

Commitment is not a halfway thing. Either you're all the way 
in or you're simply not going to be very effective.

Choose your priorities thoughtfully, carefully, and 
sincerely. Then commit yourself fully to them.

Real, solid, unwavering commitment brings the power of 
purpose to what you're doing. Be truly committed, and it 

You can achieve whatever you imagine. Do it by jumping all 
the way in.

Already fulfilled+++++++++++++++++++

When you don't need anything, then you truly have everything. 
When you know that you already have enough, that you already 
are enough, that everything is as it should be, then your 
life will be rich indeed.

Get past the need to possess and you'll discover that the 
whole world is yours. Abandon the need to be right and 
you'll find real truth. 

Let go of the need to impress others and you'll have their 
sincere respect. Move beyond the need to control every 
detail, and your influence will grow stronger.

As long as you feel you need something, it cannot possibly 
be yours. The more you focus on the need for anything, the 
more you deny it to yourself. 

Why would you want to do that? Instead, realize that 
whatever you desire is already available to you, and enjoy 
the process of expressing it more fully as you move through 
each moment.

Appreciate, understand and focus your energy on the good and 
valuable things in your life. And you'll know that your most 
authentic desires are already fulfilled.

Always enough+++++++++++++++++++

Instead of striving to get where you wish to go, simply allow 
yourself to be there. All that is, is available to you in 
the moment you're in.

As long as you're trying to understand something, you will 
fall short. Let go of the desperate need to understand, and 
you'll find that the understanding is part of you already.

When you think you lack something, that blocks it from your 
awareness, your experience and your life. Instead of filling 
your thoughts with what is missing, focus on what is 

Relax into the limitless abundance of now. There is always 
enough, and it is all here for you to allow.

Life's overwhelming richness is mirrored in every little 
detail. The only thing separating you from that richness is 
the wall you imagine to be around yourself.

Allow the goodness, the possibilities, the value and joy to 
fill your life in this moment that is now.

Always something+++++++++++++++++++

Do what you can do, with what you have, every chance you get. 
Moving just one step forward will give you a positive 
foothold upon which to build.

Often it is easy to choose to see yourself and treat 
yourself as a victim. Yet by making such a choice, you 
quickly surrender control over your own life.

Instead of giving up and becoming a victim, know that there 
is always something positive you can do. There is always 
some action with which you can move yourself forward.

Life's greatest triumphs often have their origins in times 
of great difficulty. In each challenge there is fertile 
 for building great value.

Do you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances? The best way 
to get away from that feeling is to step forward and do 
something positive and productive.

With every positive action, your power increases. Step by 
step, moment by moment, move your life exactly where you 
choose to go.

Always something
There is always something positive that you can do. On the best of days, or in the most challenging of circumstances, you can choose to move forward.
Conditions are not as bad as they seem, nor are conditions as good as they appear. Conditions are whatever you choose to make of them.
It's up to you to take the energy of this day and give it a specific direction. Though circumstances are constantly changing, you can always choose to move in the direction of your dreams.
Of course there are complications, challenges and obstacles.
And you can use them all to create your own path forward.
You are in control of your thoughts and actions. That's a powerful place from which to operate, no matter what the outside circumstances may be.
There is always something positive, productive, enriching and fulfilling that you can do. Get up, get going, and make a difference in your own special way.

Attempt more
If you wish to achieve more, then attempt more. Push yourself beyond what you already know you can do.
Get out of the rut of going through the same motions and ending up with the same results. Put some additional time, energy, thought and creativity into your actions.
Take on challenges that make you a little bit uncomfortable.
Stretch your abilities and watch them grow.
  Decide to reach higher and you'll find many new ways to move higher. Raise your expectations and you'll improve your performance.
  Keep on learning, keep on growing, and keep on venturing beyond what you already know. Give yourself the gift of increasingly ambitious goals.
  Enjoy and appreciate how far you've already come. Then jump back in and make it even better.